Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement, pursuant to s54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, sets out the actions taken by Teerco Holdings PTY LTD and it associated companies to address modern slavery risks in our business and supply chains over the recent financial year.
Structure, Operations & Supply Chain
The Teerco Group (Teerco Holdings and its associated entities) provides software as a service and consultancy services within the healthcare sector across the UK and Australia. Our core software is called Patienteer.
Our headquarters are in Sydney, Australia and our other significant operational hub is in London, UK. Over the recent financial year we worked and maintained contracts with several suppliers across Australia, UK, The Philippines and US. Our procurement process requires that all suppliers confirm they have processes in place to combat modern slavery within their business and supply chains.
We are committed to continually improving how we work with all our stakeholders including government and business to meet our moral and ethical obligation to combat modern slavery and to make sure it does not occur in our business or supply chain. The key areas of focus during moving forward include:
Developing our supplier management processes including investing in a supplier management system.
Building capacity amongst our impacted staff to understand the implications of our work and associated modern slavery risks and indicators.
Developing clear medium-term priorities as we work towards best practice human rights governance
Policy and Governance
The Teerco Group is committed to creating a culture in which employees, customers and suppliers are treated with respect, dignity and fairness. Core to the values of the business is connection and respectfulness. Connection focusses on the principle that everyone has a place and value that compliments others as one solid unit. Each individual within our business, customers and supply chain are different but we are one with the same purpose. Respectfulness focuses on listening to points of view and treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Our policy and governance approach to modern slavery is guided by our board approved business principles. Respect for and commitment to human rights is a key principle. We also have an expectation that our suppliers and customers have the same commitment which is outlined in our terms of engagement requirements which must be met before any formal engagement is entered into.
Through the recent year we continued our educational awareness of human rights across our management structure and embedded our core policies into our procurement and business development processes. A continued focus is ensuring due diligence relating to modern slavery is both fully integrated and continuously developed across all business operations.
Risk Management
Risk management is integrated across our entire business model. Senior leadership is accountable for the execution of our risk management system which is designed to assess all threats and opportunities whether they are external or internal.
A standard five step process is used to assess all risks with clearly defined criteria for identifying, categorising, analysing and evaluating risks. This includes identifying the risk, source of the risk, assessing the probability, impact and proximity, planning the best response, implementing a response (where required) and continually re-assessing and communicating the impact across the business. Every risk is assigned a risk owner who is responsible for actively managing and assessing the risk impact. Any risk that falls outside tolerances requires a mitigation plan which includes measurable activities required to achieve the desired outcome.
All risks are communicated across the business and reviewed in a continuously cycle. Risks outside tolerances levels are actively managed by senior leadership and included in formal reporting to the board.
Periodic scheduled planning sessions are held to undertake a deep dive on specific areas of the business aimed at identifying additional risks and improving our mitigation plans.
Our approach to identifying risk associated with modern slavery includes assessing factors such as geographic location of stakeholders, existing local human rights protections offered to workers, nature of our relationship and services being provided. We also utilise knowledge sharing platforms, sites visits and existing networks to understand where increased risk may intersect with our supply chain.
Teerco Group recognize that modern slavery and human rights violations often do not occur as a stand-alone crime and as such our risk management includes a holistic approach to identifying risks associated with workplace health and safety, cyber security, bribery and corruption as well as modern slavery.​
We may, at any time and at our discretion, vary this statement by publishing the amended statement on our Site. We recommend you check our Site regularly to ensure you are aware of our current Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
For any questions or notices, please contact us at:
Patienteer PTY LTD ABN 70 600 768 607
Last update: 14/01/2022